If Only

It is true that everybody has times when things go wrong.
These times can either make us or break us.
The following steps will help us to benefit and grow through these times.
First, attitude.
If we respond to our difficulties positively, determined with God’s help to overcome them, we will.
If we react negatively with a defeated attitude, we will be defeated.
Second, awareness.
To grow through our problems it is also critical that we face them realistically.
A doctor friend of mine tells about a family where the mother broke her arm.
“There’s nothing wrong with my arm, Doctor. It’s perfectly all right,” she insisted.
“I see,” said the doctor setting the badly broken arm. Several weeks later the woman returned to have the cast removed and the arm was healed.
“There,” said the woman, “look at that. I told you there was nothing wrong with my arm!”
This woman was of a certain religious conviction which led her to believe that there was never anything wrong with her.
Fortunately, her family was a little more realistic.
We also need to be realistic about our problems if we are going to resolve them.
Third, acceptance.
It’s no use saying, “If only….”
Several years ago a close relative suffered a massive stroke and was left partially paralyzed.
Doctors felt that the stroke could have been avoided so it was extremely tempting to say, “If only we would have known.”
However, it’s useless to say,
“If only...”
The family couldn’t go back and do things differently.
We all had to accept the reality of what had happened, pick up the pieces, and go on.
In your thinking remind yourself that you are living with a challenge—not a problem.
That’s something we all need to do when things go wrong and we are facing difficult times.
We may not be what we think we are, but what we think, we are—or will become.
“Dear God, when things go wrong in my life please help me to have a constructive attitude, be aware and accept what has happened as an opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth and therein become a stronger, healthier person as a result. Gratefully in Jesus’s name, Amen.”