Set Up a Guard

“LORD, set up a guard for my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3.
Proverbs 10:19 states-
“The one who controls his lips is wise.”
I’m glad God included in the Psalms and Proverbs the words that are before us today about controlling our speech.
It’s important to talk, but talking too much is as bad as not talking at all.
Proverbs extols rationing our words.
Once, when Thomas Edison the inventor was at a reception-
– the toastmaster stood up and complimented him on his many inventions, especially the talking machine.
After the toastmaster sat down, the aged inventor rose to his feet and said-
“Thank you for those remarks, but I must correct one thing. It was God who invented the talking machine. I only invented the first one that can be shut off.”
A doctor told me that once, while writing out a prescription, he asked a woman to put out her tongue.
When he had finished, she said to him, “But doctor, you never even looked at my tongue.
“The doctor replied, “It wasn’t necessary, I just wanted you to keep quiet while I wrote the prescription.”
Amidst the humour of today’s notes, don’t miss the point, words are important, but don’t overdo them.
If your lips would keep from slips
Five things observe with care:
Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,
And how and when and where.
A wise person has a disciplined tongue.
Many need to learn this, for, like the tongue in old shoes, our tongue is often the last thing to be worn out.
If a disciplined tongue is your need, ask God to help you, for an undisciplined tongue is an unloving tongue.
“Father, I realize that oftentimes my tongue is the most difficult thing to bring under control. Yet I have the promise of Your help even in this. I give you my tongue to be bridled – take over the reins. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”