Out of Control!

“They all saw Him and were terrified. But immediately He spoke,’Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid.’ Then He got into the boat with them, and the wind stopped.” Mark 6:50-51.
Why were the disciples so terrified when they saw Jesus walking on the water?
Yes, walking on water was a real miracle.
But what made this more amazing was that it was at night and in the middle of a turbulent storm.
These seasoned sailors feared for their lives.
But Jesus wasn’t bothered by the size of the waves or the speed of the wind.
He remained the master of the elements.
Think about the practical implications of this story:
Are we shaken by the storms of life?
Does everything around us seem out of control?
We need to remember during difficult times that Jesus is sovereign over everything.
Every wave.
Every storm.
Every danger.
Every enemy.
The only reason for us to fear is when we are not confident about our relationship with Him.
Those without a personal relationship with Him can’t have this level of trust and confidence.
But everything changes for those who have a genuine relationship with Him.
They know that He is in the boat during the storms of life.
As long as Jesus is with you, you can be at peace.
As you face storms and turbulence, cultivate the habit of turning to Him.
Talk with Him.
Declare His Word.
Praise Him, knowing that, as we trust in Him, we don’t have to be afraid.
He can give us peace and bring us through whatever difficulties we may be facing.