
“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.”1 Timothy 1:12-13.
Some people believe that thinking badly of themselves is a sign of humility.
But Paul is a beautiful example of how we are to approach God.
He does not berate himself and tell God how vile and sinful He is.
Instead, Paul talks repeatedly with a spirit of humility about the grace of God.
There are seven things we can do to allow the Lord to develop such a humble spirit in our life.
To pursue humility-
– it is necessary that we die to self.
We must refuse to put ourselves first and instead ask the Lord what is His will for our situation.
God wants us to be devoted to other people because He has made us reservoirs of His truth—something those around us greatly need.
And when God blesses others, we who follow Christ are to delight in the good things that come to them. Rom. 12:15.
For ourselves, we must wholly depend on God.
If we want to live with genuine humility, we must rely on Him in every circumstance.
The Lord has many good things in store for us.
When we direct our thoughts continually to His grace and goodness, our confidence in Him will grow.
It is also important that we distance ourselves from whatever appeals to our pride, such as wealth, prestige, applause, or certain relationships—the list is different for every person.
Finally, we must determine to obey God regardless of the earthly consequences.
When you humble yourself before Him-
– you can mark that day as the beginning of the best part of your life.