A Combination

A Combination

“If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9.

Many people think receiving Christ is a complicated process-
– but salvation requires only two things:
-​ Confession and faith!​

Believe in your heart that Jesus is who he said he was, and willingly share this truth with others.
Then you will know you are a Christian.

Millions of people through the centuries have proclaimed Jesus as Lord without following him personally.

They have declared Christ to be God without ever believing he could make a difference in their lives.

Their words were empty because what they said wasn’t backed up by personal faith.
Sadly, words without faith are not enough.

Likewise, the Bible doesn’t recognize Christians who are secret about it.
Believing that Jesus is alive and risen from the dead is only part of the equation.

According to Paul, true followers of Jesus will confess him before others.

Confessing Christ doesn’t require eloquent speeches or theological training.

It simply requires acknowledging before others that we know Jesus, not only as Lord of all but as Lord and master over us personally.

In Paul’s day, confessing Christ was dangerous business.
Today, however, we are free to declare our allegiance to Jesus in ways that Paul never could have imagined.

Christianity is a living faith-
-​​ a combination of believing and confessing.
You can’t get much clearer than Romans 10:9.

How can you make your faith more of a public confession?


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