Mind Matters

“The mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6.
Setting your mind on something means opening your mind to regular input from that source.
That’s great if the source is a good one, like the Bible or uplifting music or the math facts you’re supposed to know by tomorrow.
But what if you’re repeatedly subjecting your mind to something evil?
The truth is, you will internalize whatever your mind is taking in.
You’ll form values and attitudes based on the input you allow yourself to dwell on.
Our world thinks there’s no connection between the sinful practices we observe through literature, television, and movies and the resulting escalation in sinful lifestyles and crimes of violence.
That’s not only nonsense, it’s unbiblical!
The apostle Paul understood that there’s a connection between what we allow into our minds and the way we live.
He realized that it’s critical for Christians to focus on the right things.
Some things, he said, belong to the sinful nature, and others belong to the Spirit.
The category that dominates your thoughts will dominate your life.
Don’t be cavalier enough to assume that it’s safe to dabble in sin without being affected.
Pornography, movies, and songs that elevate sexual deviance, crime, and violence–these do much more than entertain you.
They entice you into evil.
Be smart and take control of what’s going into your brain.
Set your mind on those things God’s Spirit desires.
How have you noticed your behaviour being affected by what you hear and see?
Lamentations 3:19-24;Philippians 3:18-21;Romans 8:5-11.
Mind matters!