Defeated and Disarmed

When Adam and Eve listened to the devil’s lies and rebelled against God in the Garden-
– evil entered the created world and the human soul.
It’s called sin
– active disobedience to Almighty God.
On the cross
Jesus defeated and disarmed the evil one—the devil, who incites men to sinful behaviour.
It’s true that sin and evil still abound in the world-
– seeking to destroy souls and wreaking havoc in nations.
This will be the case until Christ comes again for His own, but in the meantime, we can be sure that we have victory over the enemy’s schemes.
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4.
When the Lord comes and brings a New Heaven and a New Earth-
– sin and evil will be banished forever.
Until then, we must strive daily to love righteousness and hate wickedness-
– fighting evil with all our might,
– doing so in the power of the Risen Christ. Hebrews 1:9.