God Seems Distant

We live in busy times.
For many Christians, sadly, church is an item on their checklist, and they think attending a service fulfills their “spiritual duty.”
As a result, God seems distant, so they feel unexcited about His work in their lives and lack compassion for the unsaved.
Such believers find it easy to start acting in a worldly manner.
But the heavenly Father desires an intimate relationship with His children.
As in Bible times, He still has personal encounters with His people—sometimes to comfort or encourage, at other times to guide or convict of sin.
The prophet Isaiah wrote of such a meeting with the Lord. Isaiah 6:1-9.
His reaction to the holiness of God’s presence was a profound recognition of his own sin:
“I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips…for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.” v. 5.
As the prophet experienced, when God reveals His presence to us, we are likely to be overwhelmed with awe and a sense of our unworthiness.
Then, as we humbly respond in repentance or obedience, we, too, will know that our sins have been forgiven. v. 7.
We cannot manipulate or create divine encounters-
– but we make them possible by being available to God.
Are you spending time with the Lord, praying and reading His Word?
Or has life become too busy and your spiritual walk too mechanical?
Ask God for a personal encounter with Him.
Spend time praising the Lord, confessing sin, and surrendering all areas of your life to Him.
Then expectantly watch for Him.