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Month: August 2024

Well Worth

Well Worth

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:16-25.

Ask most believers if they would like to accomplish what the Lord has planned for them to do with their life-
– and they will say, “Yes!”

To be the person He calls each one of us to be-
– we must surrender our will to His.

That means telling God that we are willing for Him to do whatever He must to drive selfishness out of our life.

He may send pain and heartache, because that is a sure way to get our attention.
But as a result, we’ll be wiser and more mature followers.

Yielding our will to God’s superior plan clears off the throne of our life-
– enabling the Holy Spirit to take His rightful place there.

Then, as He discards any junk that’s been cluttering our perspective-
– we are transformed from the inside out as our spirit undergoes important changes:

We begin to recognize when God’s hand is at work;
We experience freedom from selfish pursuits and earthly attachments like money and wrong relationships;
and we understand and appreciate what it means to operate under His power and authority.

In serving the Lord, we gain a confidence that we never had while serving ourselves.
What’s more, others will see the effects of God’s work in us.

A Spirit-filled believer knows-
– how to love and be loved,
– maintain peace and joy even in hard times,
– and give others a second chance.

He also wisely knows when to submit.

Surrender is not an easy step.
It requires courage and patience, as learning submission is a life-long process.

But God’s compensation—a Spirit-filled life that attracts others to Jesus Christ—is well worth giving up selfish pursuits.
