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Day: June 15, 2023

Honor the Creator

Honor the Creator

“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31.

Isn’t God’s creation a wonder to behold?

I’m always amazed when I watch the Discovery Channel or a National Geographic special on an in-depth study of an animal
I’ve rarely seen, gaining insight about what makes them unique and how they survive.

Even though God is rarely–if ever–mentioned on these shows-
– it causes my faith to soar,
– for I’m reminded that God thought of everything, every little detail in creating this living thing.

Everywhere you turn in creation-
– there’s evidence of intelligent design–the work of the Master Artist.

Let me ask you something:

When you see a great painting-
DaVinci’s Mona Lisa, a piece by Van Gogh, or a scene of American life by Norman Rockwell,
– do you have more awe of the piece of art than of the artist?

Not likely.

Yet we do this all the time with God’s creation.
If we​​ honour the creation and forsake the Creator, we miss everything.

The best way to appreciate creation is-
– to know and appreciate the Creator.
